7 Habits of Highly Effectictive People


Author:Stephen R. Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is recognized as one of the most influential books ever. In this seminal work, Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity―principles that give us the security to adapt to change, and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates. The 7 Habits have become so famous because they work.

From Habit

1: Be Proactive and Habit

2: Begin with the End in Mind, millions of people have worked their way through the 7 and found in them a key to transforming their lives.

Translated into thirty-four languages The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has been the key to the success of legions of business leaders and individuals the world over.

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