Intellectual Property Law..


The test deals primarily with the law relating to intellectual property protection in Uganda. With respect to copyright it considers the developments from the pre colonial period to the current period and takes into account international developments which influence.1 the current law, the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, 21106. Relevant international legal instruments are also analysed. The text then examines design law from an historical and current position enshrined in the Industrial Property Act, 2014 (IPA). There then follows a discussion of the background and nature of patent protection based on the IPA focusing on the requirements for protection, ownership, infringement, defences and remedies. A similar approach is adopted with regard to trade marks but with focus being on the Trade Marks Act, 2010 and the related and alternative legal protection under passing oil which emphasizes the protection of the goodwill in a trade. Throughout all the chapters reference is made to the corresponding Kenyan and Tanzanian laws and relevant cases in order to give the reader a regional appreciation of the subject. Intellectual Property Law in East Africa is aimed at students pursuing intellectual property law courses in Ugandan and East African Universities as well as peripheral students of intellectual property in the humanities as well as natural,technological and health sciences disciplines. It will also be useful to legal practitioners in the field of intellectual property as a ready reference on the subject

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